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  • When running the program manually without providing any arguments it will show a GUI. gui
  • Start will start the service without installing itself.
  • Install will install the service.
  • Remove will uninstall the service.


  • --help Show help message

    • This will show the help message
  • --version Show version

    • This will show the version of the program
  • --install Install the service

    • This will copy the binary to C:\windows\bridge.exe and register it as a service
  • --uninstall Uninstall the service

    • This will remove the service and delete C:\windows\bridge.exe
  • --steam Reserved for Steam

    • This will start the service and exit (used with
  • --no-service Do not run as service

    • (only for --steam)
  • --service Reserved for service

    • Reserved
  • --rpc <dir> Set RPC_PATH environment variable

    • This is used to specify the directory where discord-ipc-0 is located