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Installation will copy itself to C:\windows\bridge.exe and create a Windows service.
Logs are stored in C:\windows\logs\bridge.log.

Installing inside a prefix

Wine (~/.wine)

  • Double click bridge.exe and click Install.
    • gui
  • To remove, the same process can be followed, but click Remove instead.


  • Click on a game and select Run EXE inside Wine prefix.
    • lutris
  • The same process can be followed as in Wine.


There are two ways to install the bridge on Steam.

Using bridge.sh1

This method is recommended because it's easier to manage.

  • Right click on the game and select Properties.
  • Under Set Launch Options, add the following:
      Of course, you need to replace /path/to/ with the actual path to the script.

Note must be in the same directory as bridge.exe.

Using Protontricks

  • Open Protontricks and select the game you want to install the bridge to.
  • Select Select the default wineprefix
  • Select Browse files and copy contents of build to the game's prefix drive_c
  • Select Run a Wine cmd shell and run C:\> install.bat
    • If you are not in C:\, type c: and press enter


If you use Flatpak

If you are running Steam, Lutris, etc in a Flatpak, you will need to allow the bridge to access the /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0 file.

You can do this by using Flatseal or the terminal.

Add xdg-run/discord-ipc-0 under Filesystems category

  • Per application
    • flatpak override --filesystem=xdg-run/discord-ipc-0 <flatpak app name>
  • Globally
    • flatpak override --user --filesystem=xdg-run/discord-ipc-0


The steps for MacOS are almost the same, but due to the way $TMPDIR works, you will have to install a LaunchAgent.

  • Download the latest build from the releases
  • Open the archive and make the script executable by doing: chmod +x
  • To install the LaunchAgent, run ./launchd install and to remove it simply run ./launchd remove.

The script will add a LaunchAgent to your user, that will symlink the $TMPDIR directory to /tmp/rpc-bridge/tmpdir.


You will need to launch the bridge.exe file manually in Wine at least once for it to register and launch automatically the next time.

Run without installing the service

If you prefer not to use the service, you can manually run bridge.exe within the Wine prefix.
This method is compatible with both Wine and Lutris.

In Lutris, you can achieve this by adding the path to bridge.exe in the Executable field under Game options. In Arguments field, be sure to include the Windows path to the game's executable.

Executable /mnt/games/lutris/league-of-legends/drive_c/Riot Games/League of Legends/LeagueClient.exe Arguments --locale=en_US --launch-product=league_of_legends --launch-patchline=live

Executable /mnt/games/lutris/league-of-legends/drive_c/bridge.exe Arguments "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe" --locale=en_US --launch-product=league_of_legends --launch-patchline=live

In Wine, all you need to do is run bridge.exe and select Start.

Compiling from source

  • Install the wine, gcc-mingw-w64 and make packages.
  • Open a terminal in the directory that contains this file and run make.
  • The compiled executable will be located in build/bridge.exe.

  1. As requested here